I just got back from the trip of lifetime – a month long Canadian road trip out West with my love in our camper van – and I feel compelled to writing my first blog post. So here we go!

One of my favourite things about #travelling is how relaxed I feel; how connected I am with my Wild essence and mama Earth. In some ways, when I return home, I am afraid of losing that; sinking back into my habitual patterns and not being where I’m meant to be. So there is an underlying fear of missing out.
I could share so many fears, wins, realizations and lessons that have come up during my travels, but a theme that always re-occurs is my relationship with time.
Time is always fleeting, yet it is also an illusion. Travelling really puts this into perspective. One moment you’re flowing with high vibrations, immersed in epic surroundings. The next moment, it’s gone.
What a mindfuck… And a truly powerful metaphor for life.
At the end of every trip, I am pulled in 2 opposing directions:
1) Filled with gratitude for my experiences
2) Not being happy where I am, reliving my past experiences and searching for the next high
Can you relate?
The danger of the highs is that they can blind you to the beauty of small things; the gift of each moment. I definitely feel this.
So I look to the stars for guidance and, in the midst of #Leo season, I find clarity in the fixed fires of lion/ lioness. #Astrology is, after all, the most ancient form of #divination.
Leo (and the 5th house) reminds me to find pleasure in between the highs.
To find joy in the small things.
To seize each moment.
… Even if it’s not grandiose, life changing and awe-inspiring energy.
Like the warmth of the vibrant summer Sun.
Like the invigorating aroma of blooming flowers.
Like the sweet taste of ripe fruit.

Leo reminds me that life is short. So don’t take life too seriously, eat dessert first once in a while and stop to smell the flowers.
Leo reminds me to keep that high vibe feeling in my heart and let it brighten other areas of life.
So for now, I keep this cosmic wisdom in mind to help me align with my highest self.
What I know for sure is that life is a trip, and I’m all about it.
What I know for sure is that I am a cyclical being, and I flow with its rhythms.
What I know for sure is that time is fleeting and the cosmic energies will soon shift as the Sun will ingress into earthy Virgo next week on August 22nd.
So with this in mind, I am taking time to enjoy the last week of Leo energy with a backcountry canoe trip with my family. After that, we will be full throttle into Virgo energy which will be perfect for resuming Wild Astrology services. I've got some new exciting offerings coming for ya - stay tuned! ✨🌙
If you want to learn more about how to live in alignment with the cosmic cycles, get your copy of the Lunar Lifestyle Guide here.
Thank you for reading & being a part of this journey.
Cosmic love. XO
Alex, Wild Astrology