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Exposing Our Roots - Full Moon in Taurus 2020

Writer's picture: Alexandra Albert Alexandra Albert

Updated: Oct 30, 2020

#FULLMOON IN #TAURUS - October 31st, 2020 at 10:49am EST

#PLEINELUNE EN #TAUREAU - Le 31 octobre 2020 à 10h49 EST

Ft. Samhain and Conjunction to Uranus & opposition to the Sun in Scorpio

Also known as a Blue #Moon as it is the second Full Moon in October this year.


On the Full Moon phase, the Moon and Sun are always in complete opposition from one another with the Earth sitting in between them. In astro terms, we call this an opposition aspect formed by an 180 degree angle between the planets. Taking this a step further, we can know that it’s an opposition by looking at the Zodiac signs.

With the Sun at 8 degrees of #Scorpio ♏, the Moon will become illuminated in its fullness when it travels to 8 degrees of Taurus ♉️; initiating the FULL MOON.

It can be helpful to look at the planets and the Zodiac signs on their own, but so much more depth and meaning comes when we look at the interaction between the energies at play because everything in the #Universe is connected.

This is very much like the process of #alchemy, and in this context, it is the alchemy that occurs within the human psyche and our life experiences as it reflects celestial events.

On this Full Moon, we’re working with dynamic dance between Scorpio energy as it relates to our outward expression (Sun) and Taurus energy as it relates to our inner world (Moon).

The alchemy between fixed water (Scorpio) and fixed earth (Taurus). Finding a balance between these opposing energies is essential for inner & outer harmony, and overall energetic equilibrium.

Taurus & Scorpio

Self-sufficiency VS power gained by the other/pro-creation

Calmness VS passion

Grounding VS transformation

Physical VS emotional

Earthly realm VS spiritual realm

Life on earth VS death

What is VS what could be

Reality VS what is not seen by the naked eye

Despite their differences, Taurus and Scorpio both have to do with survival instincts, money, power and sensuality. It is possible that these cosmic currents light up our root chakra.

As this Full Moon lands on #Samhain, a day in which the veil between the #spiritual and physical worlds is at its thinnest according to Celtic traditions, this Full Moon in Taurus opposing the Sun in Scorpio invites us to dig into the dark soil to expose our roots; connecting us to the pain and wisdom our #ancestors, deceased loved ones, past lives and the #soul of the great mother Earth.

This makes me think of our ability to experience spirit-reality as earthly third dimensional human beings. That as #alchemists, #healers and #witches, we can use the elements of Earth to ground us on our (often turbulent) journeys, manipulate energies AND connect to the #spirit realm.

This year, we can also add lightning bolts of truth, awakening, surprise and revolution as #Uranus in Taurus gets added to #cosmic cauldron.

Personally, I believe that we can all join together - humans and spirits - in prayer to humanity, the soul of the World and the Earth herself; learning from our past for conscious living today and for future generations. No matter what becomes revealed on this Full Moon, we can come together in love & faith to help us navigate through the unknown.

This is a really powerful time to grab your #spiritual tool kit and get your #witch on. I’ve included step-by-step guidelines for intuitively crafting your own #ritual in the Lunar Lifestyle Guide. If you don’t vibe with this, it is equally as powerful to simple tune in, self-reflect and send positive thoughts out into the universe.

To drop this down to a personal level

I think this Full Moon reminds us to get our feet planted on the Earth, take care of our physical bodies, nurture our humanity with loving compassion - even as we expand our #consciousness, work with magic and traverse the transformative waters of Scorpio.

Spending time outside, literally connecting to earth energy.

Moving your body and taking big breaths.

Tune into your physical senses.

Taurus medicine.

As this Full Moon brings this 6 month Taurean lunation cycle to a close (since the #newmoon in Taurus on 22/04/2020), it can also be really grounding to reflect on what has manifested in our lives since then.

Expressing gratitude and taking stock of your accomplishments and lessons from this previous cycle and - like autumn leaves - letting them go as the cycles continue.

You can find in-depth explanations of the #moonphases, their connection with the #zodiac and prompts for self-reflection in the Lunar Lifestyle Guide.

Personally, around the New Moon in Taurus, I set intentions for establishing a solid foundation for behind-the-scenes groundwork in Wild Astrology so I could find more ease and sustainability in my work… And wow. SO MUCH HAS MANIFESTED SINCE THEN.


Happy Full Moon!

Joyeuse Pleine Lune!

Alex, Wild Astrology






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